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Eléonore Benini

I consider bodies and landscapes as visual instruments to develop a vocabulary of "the unconscious"

Welcome to my website. Divided into "SERIES" and "REPORTAGES". The first part contains my personal projects and visual researches, the second one is about commands and reportages I made for other people.

On social media, you can find me on Instagram.



Eléonore Benini (Mons, 1993)

Video - Photography
Living in Huy, Belgium
Bachelor in Communication @ HELHa, Tournai (2013-2015)
Master in Visual Arts @ Sint-Lukas, Brussels (2016 - 2017)

18/01 - 28/01 - Collective exhibition “Des Forêts et Des Mers” @ Ancienne chapelle Saint-Quentin, Mons
30/06 - 10/09 - Collective exhibition “Entre les Lignes” @ Galerie Bastien, Brussels (serie SKIN)

02/03 - 04/03 - Exhibition with A. Cristea @ Recyclart, Brussels
22/06 - 27/06 - Graduation week @ Sint-Lukas Brussels
14/09 - 05/10 - Collective itinerant exhibition “Jonge Kunstenaars 2017”:
@ Sint-Lukasgalerie, Brussels (14/09 - 05/10)
@ Carrington Gallery, Gent (21/10 - 28/10)
@ De Directeurswoning, Roeselaere (25/01 - 25/02/18)

03/05 - 05/05 - Exhibition with Maison des Jeunes de Huy @ Huy, Belgium


17/08 - 31/08 - "Au fil des vitrines", collective exhibition, Huy, Belgium

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